Sunday, February 9, 2014

Everyone in their boxes..

  People are confusing creatures. There are the obnoxious ones that everyone loves, the quiet ones that never speak but everyone still hates for no reason, the listeners, the talkers, and everyone has a little piece of each type in them. At least I do.
 I listened as my friend told me about how many gosh darn rants he listens to a day, and how he himself never rants (not entirely true, but that’s not the point.) I realized, we all end up in our own little box with each person, whether we put ourselves their or they put us there. Our box defines us and everyone’s expectation of us. It’s like when the know-it-all kid cracks a joke in class, nobody thinks it’s funny. But when the popular kid says the same thing, it’s suddenly hilarious. It’s because the know-it-all is stuck in a shipping box labeled "annoying and dorky", while the popular kid's box says "cool and always funny." It’s only with the people we’re really close with that we can stick every limb in a different box and not seem two-faced.
At the beginning of this post I had it in me that we could change this boxed system. But as I wrote, I realized it would probably take years of evolution for the brain to rewire like that, since it’s such a universal human trait. Either way, if we all stopped believing that each person belongs in one personality box, then we would be appreciated more easily, and would have freedom to be whomever we wanted. The first step is individually listening to the content, and not where it’s coming from. Maybe the dorky kid will surprise you.

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